Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Convert Fat/Fat32 Disk to NTFS

FAT- File Allocation System
NTFS- New Technology File System known as NT File System for short
  • Find out the name of the drive you want to convert. i.e E:, D:
  • Go to cmd by clicking Start and go to the run command.
  • Type Cmd and Ok or enter.
  • Then type convert (the driver letter) /fs:ntfs
Press Enter and your are done.


Aijaz said...

You know whats the disadvantage in using command prompt to change to NTFS ? It leads to MFT being allotted space in middle of no where, this at the end leads to MFT fragmentation which slows your PC down like hell.

So much for advantages of NTFS ... Better format than convert ..

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