Saturday, February 14, 2009


The first computing machine was human. Later, the ABACUS followed.Its orign can be traced as far as 300BC in the ancient Babylonian empire.

1649 – The first method of complex calculations Logarithm and it was created by JOHN NAPIER. John Napier make is of Napia fish bone (Spinal cord) to create logarithm table which makes the calculations of decimal easier.

30 years after Napier's invention, a French Mathematician/ Philosopher developed LEIBLIZE computer, which has the ability to perform division and multiplication. This device has series of gears having en (10) teeth, it also have the ability to carry digit to the next gear.

1834 – Charles Babbage created Analytical Engine which has the ability to perform Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. It also has the ability to compare two values (greater than and less than). Its has the ability to accept data as input and also process data as output.

1840 – ADA LOVELACE was an assistant to Charles Babbage, she created programming after the death of Charles Babbage although organized by Charles Babbage.

1728 – FALCUM LOAM Computer was created. It uses punch card for its operation.

1802 – JOSEPH MARLEY JACQUARD created the “WEAVERS MACHINE” which was used to indicate patterns and design.

1990 – HERMA HOLLERTH created punch card tabulating computer which can recalculate was uses in U.S.A for population census.

1937 – HOWARD AIKEN who graduated from Howard University in London with few engineers created AUTOMATIC SEQUENCE CONTROL CALCULATOR which can also be called MARK ONE. It is electromechanical components.

1942-1946 – JOHN U. and ATTA-NA –SOFT with their assistant CLIFFORD BERRY created “ATIA NASOFT BERRY COMPUTER which can also be called ABC computer, this device has processor that process data. It has A-Z character while others has 0-9 characters.

1945-1949 – DR. JOHN MANCHLY and JOHN P ECTET created Electronic Numeric Integrator and calculator (ENIAC) which can store large volume of information into its memory, but its memory is volatile which means that if the information s not stored before the computer get off it will be deleted.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Long ago before the birth of computer and internet. Humans were striving to simplify calculations.

The first computers were human e.g human clerks (computors) that performed computations.

The history may stated as it is below:

The history of computer system is categorized into two. They are:

1. The Non-Scientific and

2. The Scientific History of Computer system.

a) The non-Scientific History of Computer system deals with the Natural things that people use before the existence of computer. E.g. stones, stick. E.t.c. This led to the birth of Abacus which was originated in Babylon. Initially Abacus's origin was attributed to China. But the oldest surviving abacus was used in Babylon. Abacus is still in use today,majorly in the Eastern countries in the world e.g China

Advantages(merits)and Disadvantages(demerits) of Abacus

Working on addition and subtraction is fast and similar to that of the modern handy calculator with a skilled user.

It demerit is that Multiplication and division is damn slow.

b) Scientific history deals with the formulation and existence of computer system.

This aspect of the history deals with the inventions of computer fathers e.g John Napier, Blaise Pascal e.t.c

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